From the Man Cave
January 20, 2012

·         I wish my Broncos had realized that sitting in a zone was suicide against Brady. They probably would have been carved up anyway but still……
·         I should be happier that all my friends that are Patriot fans are happy, but I’m not.
·         If the news is correct, the Captain of that cruise ship got people killed. Plain and simple. No weather issues, no mechanical issues, just disgustingly bad behavior for which he should pay with his own life.
·         Russell Westbrook’s three point celebration dance is stupid.
·         So no pipeline for fuel from Canada. That makes zero sense to me.
·         Funny how the hairstyles of today’s young people are similar to those when I was young.
·         Rajon Rondo is a bigger drama flopper than Paul Pierce ever was. That is saying something.
·         I read today that the average American eats 46 slices of pizza per year. I am WAY above average.
·         So Romney is rich and Newt was unfaithful. Sounds like Roosevelt and Clinton to me. No wait…. I meant JFK.  Ron Paul is still making more sense to me but I don’t think Romney should have to apologize for being successful.
·         Has Law and Order been on forever?
·         How come the referee in NFL games still has to go under the hood to review plays? Why not just have an official in a warm booth look at the damn play like they do in college?
·         I can’t believe the amount of high school sports that are on ESPN. What’s next? I can remember when half of their programming was Australian Rules Football.
·         There are never enough potato chips in the vicinity
·         WD 40 generally works very well.
·         I think the first thing I’m going to need reading glasses for is to replace those damn tiny flints in my zippo lighters.
·         I love onions.
·         So Happy Days came on in the mid 70’s depicting life in the mid 50’s, a 20 year span. That would be like a show coming out this year about 1992. Or basically, Seinfeld.
·         Springsteen needs to update his song 57 Channels and Nothing On to something over 200.
·         I miss Tebowmania.
·         The UNH Wildcat hockey team needs two wins this weekend. They are in danger of being nationally irrelevant for the first time in a long time.
·         Shaving sucks
·         I think the only things that can make the Red Sox mediocre next year are injuries and Bobby Valentine.
·         Rob Lowe says Peyton is retiring. Not a Rob Lowe fan, but I believe him.
·         Instead of writing this I’d like to be hooking a black marlin ala Ernest Hemingway.
·         Ok. Go Ravens, Go Giants. Don’t like any team left in the tournament, but I gotta cheer for someone.

From the Man Cave
January 14, 2012

·         Not that anyone cares but I really enjoy the Friday Wall Street Journal crossword and the weekend WSJ puzzle that comes out on Saturday. 
·         Barry Larkin in the Baseball Hall of Fame but Jeff Bagwell never will be because people “think” he may have doped up. Put Pete Rose in for his on-field accomplishments, and then figure out what the hell to do for the steroid era. I think if you took a banned substance and were caught, then you shouldn’t get in.  If you never had a bad test for illegal substances, then you should be eligible whether or not you cheated. They have to make it that black and white and move on.
·         Speaking of moving on, isn’t time Bud Selig let someone else have all the fun?
·         I wish the History Channel had more shows on about history.
·         Interest rates are damn low.
·         As a Libertarian/Objectivist (see Ayn Rand for Objectivism) and an American, the more I hear Ron Paul, the more I like him.
·         The MSNBC coverage of Republican primaries should be replayed on Comedy Central. Chris Matthews is embarrassing.  Of course the Fox coverage of Democrats isn’t great either. I think it is a problem that we seek and get our “news coverage” from the broadcast entities that skew toward our own views.
·         I don’t know why I listen so much to sports talk radio- but I do.
·         It figures- the world is going to end in December and the NCAA has finally figured out that a football playoff system is the way to go. I always wanted to see that tournament……
·         How long before we press “2” for English?
·         I don’t think Tim Tebow is calling ESPN and asking them to talk about him.
·         How come obesity wasn’t as prevalent before diet sodas?
·         Speaking of soda, I really like root beer floats.
·         Hockey fights should begin with the traditional throwing off of the gloves…….and then the helmets (shielded or not) and then the extra padding. It would only take an extra ten seconds and then we could see who is really tough.
·         Steve Stricker sure cries a lot.
·         I used to like Robin Roberts when she was on ESPN.  Good Morning America is unwatchable with that assemblage and she is the worst.
·         What’s up with guys that wear shorts in the winter in New England?
·         I have never had a good hair cut
·         Every day when I brush my teeth, I look in the mirror and tell myself that I’m not as smart as I think I am.
·         Tommy Heinsohn is gonna have a long groaning season this year.
·         Channel surfing with my son during halftime of the Nuggets-Heat game last night found us watching ten minutes of the LFL. I had never heard of it before, but he was knowledgeable. The Lingerie Football League. The women play in bikinis with shoulder pads and helmets. My question after watching for awhile was, “There has to be women out there that can throw a football better than this! “- I guess I’m getting old.
·         Ok. Go Broncos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There I said it.

From the Man Cave
January 10, 2012

·         The persistent poll phone calls for the New Hampshire Primary will come to an end today!
·         The Celtics are not scary good
·         How about that Hail Demaryius pass from Tebow on Sunday!!??
·         Unemployment recovery has gotten slower and slower over the last three post recessions. The recession that started in 2007 ended in the summer of 2009 (I know that seems unbelievable, but look it up!) and yet the unemployment rate persists well above 8%.
·         Hines Ward in the Hall of Fame? I think not.
·         Phish plays some good reggae
·         The massive Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is underway in Las Vegas. There will be new products introduced to help and entertain us better. Unfortunately most of them will tend to keep us inside the house more.
·         There isn’t a better full moon than those on a clear winter’s night. I almost howled.
·         The NCAA Championship football game last night wasn’t very exciting. Playoff system is way overdue.
·         The President of Syria isn’t going to last the year. More trouble in the Middle East. It never ends.
·         I wish Warren Zevon was still around
·         Isn’t it about time that a couple of inches of snow fell to cover those leaves I never raked
·         Back to consumer electronics. … I was at a presentation given by a technology guru a couple of years ago. He and a great deal of the audience were oohing and aahing over a TV remote that was coming out. It had a screen on the remote that allowed you to channel surf without changing the picture on your TV. When you came to a better alternative you could place your fingers on the remote screen and FLING it toward your TV and that new station would appear! I’d rather just push a button.
·         Tim Tebow got $250,000 for winning a playoff game this past weekend. I bet Giselle gives Tom Brady a bigger weekly allowance.
·         Ok, Ok. Even I am getting Tebowed out. That’s saying something. Go Broncos.
·         The Brad Marchand play that got him his 5 game suspension didn’t seem excessively dirty- for him
·         I’d like someone to shave Rick Pitino’s greasy hair off.
·         Remember when high school basketball games were overflowing with people for every game. It is still a good take. Support your local high school teams (girls and boys). Bring your young kids. It’s cheap, the gym is warm, the games can be exciting  and it gets you away from the TV and computer. I bet you will run into people you enjoy seeing.
·         The above note goes for other high school sports too.
·         Who doesn’t love Bratskellar pizza?
·         When is Detroit going to come out with those cool Jetson vehicles? I have been waiting since I was a little kid and that’s a long time.
·         Why do people with the same car that you have feel compelled to wave? Drives me nuts.
That’s all for now…..

From the Man Cave
January 6, 2012

·         I hope the hardest hit in The Bronco-Steeler game is followed by Big Ben saying, “Mr. Dumervil I presume?”
·         How come when you narrowly miss something it’s called a near miss? Shouldn’t it be a near hit?
·         More than twenty years ago the President of the company I worked for said that Americans would pay $5 a gallon for gas because we were so dependent. Twenty years later I still think he is right. It has been nearly 25 years since the “oil crisis” during the Carter Administration. Seems like we haven’t done enough in that time to become more self-reliant on our own resources and develop affordable alternatives.
·         What are those noises that Bill Belichick makes during his press conferences?
·         My New Year resolution is to not have one.
·         It is against the law to text and walk in Philadelphia. I’m afraid my daughter Marrielle may be arrested.
·         Since I watched Man/Woman Wild last night I now know that the roots of cattails are nutritious. I hope I never have to use that information.
·         Is anyone else not on pins and needles waiting for Trump to decide who to endorse? What a joke.
·         The Bruins are scary good
·         With all the home automation gadgets one can install is there anything really more reliable and inexpensive than a light switch?
·         Does anyone understand the GEICO commercial with the pig on the zip line?
·         Why don’t we just have the folks in Dixville Notch decide the New Hampshire Primary. It would concentrate the campaigning and do away with the statewide ads. Plus The Balsams Resort might then be saved with all the business from the media.
·         So now we have a guy appointed to head yet another Federal Government Program. This one is to protect the consumer. He is gonna make the credit industry simplify the applications for its products. I bet there will be added costs for that. Whatever happened to “Let the Buyer Beware?” Predatory lenders should be stopped, but this new federal expense is a little much.
·         Tim Tebow can’t sing.
·         The View, The Chew, The Revolution, The Talk. Who the hell are these people? I guess I’m out of touch. I guess I’m glad.
·         Remember when the Orange bowl was actually played in the Orange Bowl?
·         A bottle of whiskey doesn’t go as far as it used to.
·         I am convinced that I was never as old as my Dad was. I was 18 when he was my age today. Looking back at him at that time there is no way that I am as old as he was! I miss him though.
·         Why do people call me when my team loses? I don’t call anyone when their team loses. I assume they already know.
·         I refuse to get a twitter account.
·         I admire the fishermen who brave the cold and the regulations. Thank you.
·         I always worked harder and longer when there were problems. Weekends, holidays, it didn’t matter. How come our Government doesn’t?
·         GO BRONCOS!

January 2, 2012

·         It’s January 2 and yet the traditional New Year’s Day College Bowls are on. Why couldn’t the NFL play on Saturday? (I know today is a Monday Holiday, but still….)
·         Oh yeah, the New Years Day College Bowl games are on, but I don’t really care. Didn’t it seem more meaningful, somehow, 20 years ago?
·         How come when Spike TV shows Jaws it takes 3 and ½ hours to finish?
·         Is anyone else happy that we don’t have to hear that annoying Lexus December to Remember song again until next December.
·         My daughter told me the other day that there was some kind of movement to remove Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer from television because it promotes bullying. Apparently some are complaining that it is on too late and the kids can’t stay awake until the end when Rudolph and the elf dentist are vindicated. This is ridiculous! Tell your kids when it is happening that it is wrong. What’s next? The Wizard of Oz? After all, that wicked witch is a bitch.
·         Can GEICO please get rid of the gecko and the cavemen?
·         I’m glad Perry Mason is on METV.
·         My daughter’s boyfriend said something last week that made me feel good. He was lamenting the job that he has because it is an hours drive and is tedious. Not what he went to school for. But he said, “Hey you gotta do what you gotta do. Gotta make some money. Keep working hard and keeping looking. That’s what we do. It’s just what we do.” Warms my heart.
·         Is it possible that Chris “the Birdman” Anderson of the Denver Nuggets got more tattoos in the off season?

·         How come there is almost always a commercial before and after a kickoff in the NFL? I’d rather they just had a longer break between scores and the ensuing kickoff?
·         Looking for a job isn’t much fun.
·         Does anyone really think that the Iowa caucuses are going to have any bearing on the outcome of the Republican Primary?
·         Since the ice is melting and oceans are gradually rising, why don’t we build desalinization plants to pump water from the ocean into drought ridden Texas.  Seems to solve two problems.
·         How come that leader in Iran is still alive?
·         Thinking while texting should be a new law.
·         Ok, time to watch the end of the Gamecock-CornHusker game. I’m so excited.